Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Blog about Blogging.

As of right now, the head of this whole blogging endeavour (Sara Fowler, Marketing and Communications Editor) is planning on hiring on at least one first year student on each campus to be a student blogger next year, so as summer gets underway, I thought I'd write about what it has been like to be a blogger for Colorado Mountain College.

It all started for me in the cafeteria of the Alpine Campus in Steamboat Springs. I was eating late night dinner with some friends when I noticed these signs and posters about a program called iBlogCMC. I figured I'd read it to see what it was all about, and turns out it was a pretty sick deal. According to the cards, you could get paid by the hour to write blogs about life at CMC. I thought, why not, so I found out where to apply and gave it a shot.

I've had a bit of experience writing in high school, but I had no idea it would be enough to become a blogger for the school. The application process was similiar to that of any other job. You had to list previous work experience and any writing experience and things like that, but you also had to write a sample blog to show you're writing style, so I thought what better than to write about what would eventually become the story behind the title of my blog; me breaking my collarbone. Maybe I got some sympathy or it was just a well written blog (probably not the second one) but I got chosen and became an official CMC blogger.

Unfortunately, there was quite a bit of paper work involved in actaully becoming a blogger, but once all was said and done it was very worth it. I was most excited when I found out CMC bloggers got paid $11 an hour for writing, and you had to write a minimum of about two hours per week, but if you had a ton to write about that week, you could certainly write more. I would typically try to write more than two hours per week, one because the money is always nice, but two there just ended up usually being a lot going on around campus. After winter break rolled around, Sara gave all the bloggers at the various campuses the option of staying on for second semester with a generous raise, so as I'm sure you're all aware, I definitly decided to do so.

So there you have it, just a little glimpse into what it's like being a blogger for Colorado Mountain College, and hopefully a few of you out there have some interest in doing this as well. Thanks for reading these over this past year, and if you really liked them that much, you'll be happy to know I'll be doing this again next year. Take care and have a great summer. Peace.