Monday, January 19, 2009

R.I.P Grandma Malenick.

My first full weekend back in the Boat was spent back in Minnesota. As nice as it was to see family and friends again so soon, I wasn't exactly home under the best conditions.

The last week of my winter break, my grandma, dad's mom, was admitted into the hospital for having multiple heartattacks. She had called my dad, telling him she had some pains in her chest that felt like indigestion but she wanted to go to the hospital. When my dad got there, she had an overnight bag packed and he knew this was very serious.

After she was diagnosed with having multiple heartattacks, she was scheduled for an immediate operation to have a stent put in through a vein in her leg. The operation went very smoothly and she was feeling much better. I was able to visit her on my last day in Minnesota, which was Friday, Jan. 9, and I was very happy I was able to do that, especially now.

On Sunday, January 11 around 1pm, she passed away. It was incredibly unexpected, but thankfully very peaceful. The nurses had come to get her for another test or scan, I'm not qute sure which, but when she got up, she felt very light-headed, laid down on her bed, fainted, and passed away very peacefully, just the way she wanted to.

I got the call from my mom, telling me she had died, while I was snowboarding with my friend Nate. All I can say is thankfully I was snowboarding when she called to keep my mind off it as much as possible. I loved my grandma very much and it was a big shock to here she was gone, but the funeral was very nice, my uncle and oldest cousin gave some really nice sentiments at the service. I even had to get off the plane and go directly to the wake as soon as I landed, but I was just glad to have made it back home for my grandma.

Besides the funeral, I got to see all my friends again which was awesome. We hung out my buddy's house down by St. Thomas University in St. Paul, MN. There was an excessive amount of Halo played and some serious bro time.

But now I am back in the Boat and spent my first night back on a ghost hunting adventure (which will most definitely be another blog very soon). I was very happy to be able to make it home for my grandma and the rest of my family. Hopefully nothing like that will happen again soon, and I'll be able to see everyone again over spring break.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Jake! That was really nice. It made me cry AGAIN. Sorry about that. Thanks for being there when we really needed you. Hopefully, we'll only have happy things to talk about now.
Aunt Sharon

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jake! That was really nice. It made me cry AGAIN. Sorry about that. Thanks for being there when we really needed you. Hopefully, we'll only have happy things to talk about now.
Aunt Sharon