For starters, my night the other night after writing the Day 2 blog ended up being awesome, because my friends Noah and Kim from last year who now live in CA, decided on a spur of the moment trip down to visit me, since they live more in the Orange County area. The three of us went around welcoming to CA by taking me In N' Out Burger, which was amazing, and then we made it down the the beach so I could touch the Pacific Ocean for the first time. Below is the epic meal I had from In N' Out Burger to give you an idea of how amazing it really is.

This first one is the sick ramp set up near the ridiculous paradise-themed Volcom booth. They had some open sessions where anyone could come skate, as well as some contests and demos throughout the day.

This next one is the skate park set-up in the back corner of the show by a company called Office Booys. I'm not exactly sure what they do, but they had contest throught the weekend as well.

Afterwards we met up with Matt's friends from SDSU and hung out with them for the night, then got up nice and early again for the tradeshows' last day.
We got there at 8am to prepare the booth again, but the show only ran from 9am to 2pm today, since most buyers had already seen everything they needed to during the busy days. Since today was so slow, since we had printed all the hats, Matt and I did a lot more wandering and got a ton more free stuff, including stickers, drink cozies, posters, and a autographed Reef Girls calender as you can see in this picture.

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