Wednesday, February 3, 2010

SIA 2010: The Pictures

These pictures and video don't nearly do SIA justice as to how fun it was, but here is just a glimpse at the products and some events that went down in Denver.

The big blue convention center bear.

A little glimpse at the many, many boxes of product we had to carry into the show.

A few shots of the booth once it was done.

The new boots and bindings display.
Surface Skis is a super legit small ski company out of Utah that Bacon loves, so I snagged a few pictures of there new stuff.
Here's a taste of the new Holden outerwear since you couldn't get in unless you were a buyer.
Another favorite company of mine who has a sick team is Academy Snowboards, so here's a look at there new line.Lastly, here is a little video I put together of a Mountainboarding Stunt Show that took place daily and the mountainboard show.

Sorry I didn't get some more pictures or any at the on-snow, but they kept us interns pretty busy at the show. So hopefully this was a good look into what goes on at SIA and more and more students start to get internships, cause it is definitely worth it. Peace.

1 comment:

Shayboarder said...

Great meeting you Jake and loving the blog, funny stories from SIA!