Today was a beautiful 40 degree slush-tastic spring day for this weeks edition of Big Mac Monday. BMM#6 features the riding of homies Cody, Chuck, Corey, Bacon and myself, so enjoy. I have to give a shout out and say thanks to Corey for reppin' the latest Rill shirt. Peace.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
A Weight Off My Shoulders.

The whole process actually started back in January at SIA when I met the owner of Academy at their booth and got to talking about the scholarship and an internship and things of that nature. When I got back from SIA in early February, I looked into the scholarship more and realized it was pretty perfect for me, so I decided applying was a must. The next step in the process took a little while because I first e-mailed Jeff (the owner) letting him know I was very interested in an internship next year as well as asking him where I could find an application, since you can only get them from authorized Academy dealers and there are none in Steamboat. He then got me in touch with Chris who is in charge of the scholarship, and he said he would send one to The Click here in town for me to pick up, so I got very lucky with that.
From there it was a matter of getting all the paperwork I needed and the riding footage required for the scholarship. Over the next couple weeks was when I did the majority of filming. As awesome as spring break was, I was very busy the whole week and by the time it was over and I noticed what date it was, I realized I was dangerously close to the March 25th deadline with not very much done. I thankfully had the edit of my riding footage done but I needed all the paperwork such as transcripts and proof I'm enrolled, as well as a letter of recommendation which I got from the Director of Ski and Snowboard Business (which was really good if I do say so myself!). I actually haven't even gone snowboarding since spring break because I've been so busy getting everything I needed together, so let's hope it pays off in the end.
I was so excited to have the whole thing done and ready to mail, I even took these pictures of everything I was sending.

So thanks to everyone who helped me out with this, especially Bacon, Corey, and Nate for doing the filming and Bacon again for filming for my video essay. With that said, here is the final video I submitted. I wish my riding was better but I filmed it in not much time so hopefully it still gets the job done. Also, sorry about the song to those of you who don't like rap, I'm really not a fan either but I figured you can't go wrong with some classic B.I.G. Peace.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Spring Break '10 + Big Mac Monday #5
Hello again everyone, sorry for my absence over spring break but what a spring break it was. My friends Ryan and Ryan came into town from MN the first Friday spring break started. Lucky for these ice riding Midwesterners, Steamboat got dumped on Friday night, and they were treated to probably the best powder day of the season. From there they got the full gambit of conditions, from intense fog with almost no visibility, to some solid warm spring riding. One afternoon we made the trek to Frisco to stop by Recycle Ski and Sport to see if we could find them some deals on gear, along with cruising through the outlets at Silverthorne.
Even though they were here Friday-Tuesday, they had the pleasure of meeting my ridiculous friend Nate aka "Nate Dawg" who got into town from TN on Sunday. Nate went to CMC last year and just had to make the trip back to the CO. While he was here, we made the trip to Breckenridge to visit our friends Steve and Josh from last year, as well as our friend Jeff who made the trip from Denver for the weekend. Needless to say, it was awesome to see all those guys and get the crew back together.
Spring break was incredible and filled with tons of riding and catching up on old times, so thanks to all those dudes who made the trip out to visit me.
With that said, I realize I missed a Big Mac Monday over spring break, so without further ado, here is some footage of the fun times that went down in the Rockies. Peace.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Final Semester Midterms.
So I'm not sure if I can use the plural "midterms" because as it turns out with my very relaxed schedule this semester, I only had one midterm... in piano class.
In all honesty, piano is quite possibly my hardest class this semester simply because I didn't know anything about piano before I started and ended up having to be in Piano II because almost no one signed up for Piano I, so they combined the classes.
In addition to playing two pieces of our choosing for the teacher, the test consisted of a number of vocab words including Relative Minor, Key and Time Signature, how to play the I, IV, V, and V7 chords in the key of C, and things of that nature. Overall I think the test went well, I felt pretty confident on the vocab a little shaky when playing since the night before I couldn't practice because when I went to the MPR to play, I got kicked out by the RA's for it being quiet hours.
Besides piano, my public speaking class as well as my Legal Environment of Business class both didn't have midterms, so that has made for a nice, very un-stressful time before spring comes around. Speaking of which, I apologize if there is a serious lack of blogs of spring break next week but I have a few friends coming to visit so I probably won't have much time to blog, but if any crazy shenanigans go down, I'll surely post them. Peace.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Big Mac Monday Special Edition: Two Rails, One Cup.
Today was the first rail jam that I've ever heard of in Steamboat Springs, so naturally I had to check it out.
It was hosted by an awesome local store, Urbane, and sponsored by Skullcandy, Kalvery Clothing, and Ride Snowboards, as well as Steamboat's terrain park/crew who supplied the rails and set it up. The event, dubbed Two Rails, One Cup, was 4-7pm and was a jam format with riders rotating through throwing trick after trick. Some local riders sponsored by various shops, as well as the Nike 6.0 and Kalvery teams were there throwing down. Unfortunately, with the warm weather and lack of snow in a while, the set up was very slow and many riders were having trouble hitting the features. However, good times were still had by all, and I snagged the following pics and footy from the event for this weeks edition of Big Mac Monday. Peace.
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