Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Break '10 + Big Mac Monday #5

Hello again everyone, sorry for my absence over spring break but what a spring break it was. My friends Ryan and Ryan came into town from MN the first Friday spring break started. Lucky for these ice riding Midwesterners, Steamboat got dumped on Friday night, and they were treated to probably the best powder day of the season. From there they got the full gambit of conditions, from intense fog with almost no visibility, to some solid warm spring riding. One afternoon we made the trek to Frisco to stop by Recycle Ski and Sport to see if we could find them some deals on gear, along with cruising through the outlets at Silverthorne.

Even though they were here Friday-Tuesday, they had the pleasure of meeting my ridiculous friend Nate aka "Nate Dawg" who got into town from TN on Sunday. Nate went to CMC last year and just had to make the trip back to the CO. While he was here, we made the trip to Breckenridge to visit our friends Steve and Josh from last year, as well as our friend Jeff who made the trip from Denver for the weekend. Needless to say, it was awesome to see all those guys and get the crew back together.

Spring break was incredible and filled with tons of riding and catching up on old times, so thanks to all those dudes who made the trip out to visit me.

With that said, I realize I missed a Big Mac Monday over spring break, so without further ado, here is some footage of the fun times that went down in the Rockies. Peace.

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