Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Balancing Riding and Finals.

Hello again. I am back from a fun and exciting winter break in Minnesota and stoked to ride at Steamboat once again. But before I blog about the happenings of winter break, I wanted to tell you about the crazy last week of school here at Colorado Mountain College before everyone left.

As awesome as it was that the Steamboat resort was open before everyone went home for the holidays, I have to admit that it probably wasn't the best thing for a bunch of snow deprived students trying to study for finals. I didn't get in as much riding as I wanted to this last week here, but I did really well on my finals, so I SUPPOSE it was worth it.

A lot of my time that final week was spent finishing up a presentation for my Marketing and Media class. In the presentation, we had to pitch our website to a potential advertiser (played by Mike Martin) to try and convince him to put an ad for his company on our site. I never saw the final grade for it, but I did really well in the class so I'd assume my group got a good grade, at least I sure hope we did considering we worked on it for 6 and a half hours on Sunday, and 2 hours on both Monday and Tuesday.

The final test for my Retail and Wholesale was surprisingly easy, but most of the points came from the business plan each student had to write. The paper had to be roughly 15 pages which included a floor plan of the shop you were trying to open, as well as a store logo and a sample advertisement.

I would say my toughest final is a toss up between Macroeconomics and Intro to Business. I had studied for both quite a bit, but still had trouble on quite a few of the questions. In Business class, the questions that gave me the most trouble were the ones regarding a number of podcasts and news articles we had to read/listen to throughout the semester. Fortunetly my grades turned out good so I was happy. College 101 didn't have a final and believe it or not, my professor for Intro to PC Applications e-mailed me and told me I didn't need to take the final because I had done so well in the class so that was very cool.

So that's how my finals shaped up! Overall I had a great time my first semester in Steamboat, minus the whole breaking my collarbone thing of course. It was great to get out riding on a real mountain and I can't wait to see what second semester will bring.

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