Sunday, January 31, 2010

SIA Denver: Days 4, 5, 6, and 7

So it has been an awesome and wild time here at SIA 2010. Sorry I have been slacking on the blogs but it has been a busy and exhausting few days here in Denver.

Each day of the show has been pretty much the same but still fun. For the most part I hung around the booth most of the day in case any buyers came in looking to talk to a rep or trying to find the right rep for their appointment, as well as answer any questions I could if they were just checking the booth out.

There were a couple great things about the down time however. The first is obviously the shwag. I got a crazy amount of free stuff from a many number of booths, that we refer to as shwag. Among the number of stuff I got was a crazy amount of stickers, a bunch of hats, t-shirts, and even a jacket from Volcom. I was most stoked about all of it.

The other great part was all the people and reps I met in my free time. Shout out to Pete and Rich who are two of the Midwest Rome reps who hopefully I'll get to chill with this summer and even help them out since Pete reps for IPath skate shoes and puts on some skate events. Pete actually puts out a lifestyle magazine in the Midwest called Corduroy so be sure to check out his blog. Besides that, all the reps at Rome were awesome and it was sweet to meet a bunch of other industry people including the Marketing Directors for both Bataleon Snowboards and Academy Snowboards, who told me to keep in touch, so I'm stoked about that.

So today was the last day of the show. I pretty much did the same thing, got some shwag, talked to a couple of buyers, and cruised around the show a bit. However, the show ended at 2:30pm today, which is when the day started getting long. All of us interns, along with my "bosses" Ron and Runke, broke down the booth. We ended up working unitl 10:30pm, but we got the entire booth taken down. The booth is made of a ton of wall pieces that have to stacked and locked togehter, so the takedown process consisted of tearing those walls apart and staking them in crates. You'll be able to get a better idea of the booth once I'm back in Steamboat and put the pictures up. Besides that, we had to repack all of the product and get it ready for the on-snow demo tomorrow at Winter Park. Thankfully Ron hooked us up with some delicious pizza, so that helped us get motivated.

So now I am chillin in the hotel with Chuck, Steve, and David, getting everything packed up and ready to go to Winter Park bright and early at 7am tomorrow. It has been an awesome week in Denver, thanks to everyone at Rome for making it a great time, and I have high hopes for Winter Park and trying out the new product. Peace.

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