Monday, April 19, 2010

With Warm Weather Comes The Adventures.

My friends recently realized that in a mere two weeks, after two incredible years here in Steamboat Springs, we will be going our separate ways. I feel very fortunate that I'll still be getting to live with Corey and Bacon, but two of my best friends, Tyler and Crip Nasty, won't be joining us. Tyler will be going to school in Seattle, WA, and Crip will be staying here for another year. But anyway, after realizing this, we decided it was time to enjoy the weather and our last couple weeks together.

After going through some options about what we could do on a lovely Sunday afternoon, we decided on a bike/longboard cruise on the sidewalk along the Yampa river. Unfortunately, even though he was going to come, Crip couldn't make it, although he did go on a hike of Fish Creek Falls with his Mom who is visiting, so I'm sure he had a solid Sunday afternoon as well.
So Tyler, Corey, and I started out from Corey's house and caught the path on the far east side of Steamboat by Walton Creek Rd. The path took us under US 40 and met up with the river just past The Ponds condos. We cruised along this path for quite a ways until we came upon a mini dirt jumps track for bikes, so we had to stop. But of course I forgot a camera and my video camera, so this lovely picture at the track is courtesy of my camera phone.

After the dirt jump track, we continued down the path. Our next step after another good 10 minutes of cruising was a couple of pavilions along the river. We took a nice breather here in addition to testing how cold the river was. One of the things none of us have done was raft down the Yampa River, so we were talking about accomplishing this later on this week.

We continued on, making our next stop all the way on the other side of town from where we started at the Howelson Hill skate park to see who was there skating. None of us had our decks but we chilled for minute before continuing on. Our next destination was Backdoor Sports, a place I feel like I've been quite a bit this year. Our reason for this visit was to talk to them about renting a raft for our adventure. They said they did not rent rafts but they had quite a few kayaks. We realized it would be even cooler to kayak the Yampa, so got even more excited.

After Backdoor Sports, it was time to grub. We headed to Little Toots Park by the Steamboat Library and went to town on our homemade wraps with all kinds of sandwich meats in them. While there, we just couldn't help but snag these pictures on these crazy statue, kind of chair things with Corey's better phone camera. Enjoy.

Typical Tyler Tillman.


Sir Corey Berning.

After the grub session, it was into town. We stopped by the shop Nine 7 Zero (basically a DC store since they only sell DC gear) off Lincoln Ave. to visit our buddy Joel who you might remember from a couple Big Mac Monday's awhile back. As it turns out, he was very down with a kayak adventure, but couldn't do it on Monday like we originally planned. Plus, Bacon has been on Canyon Orientation this whole weekend and didn't get back until Monday, so to include those two, we pushed the date to Wednesday. So from Nine 7 Zero, we headed back to Backdoor Sports to see if they could reserve the kayaks for us. Unfortunately they said they couldn't, but the girl working was pretty positive there would be plenty available on Wednesday, so we are set to go. I will do my best to take pictures and videos of the trip, but I'm not an experience kayaker, so there probably won't be any videos of the actual kayak since I'd rather not get my video camera wet.

From Backdoor Sports, we cruised to the music store All That Jazz to kill some time before I was going to catch the Yellow Line bus back up to school. While there, we found that Matisyahu has a new album out and it just so happens to be awesome, so I HIGHLY recommend picking up a copy. I then parted ways with Tyler and Corey after an awesome day and headed to the bus stop.

I was lucky enough to be picked up by my friend Caiti after not much time at all at the bus stop, and made it back to the dorms safe, sound, and exhausted. Today was spent finishing up a speech, a little skating, but mostly getting more and more excited about our kayak adventure. But until then, hopefully this blog gave a glimpse at what can be done on a beautiful spring day here Ski Town USA. Peace.

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