Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Dollar Tree.

I wanted to take a second here to let anyone in or going to the Steamboat Springs area know about a great resource for any college student. I'm talking of course, about The Dollar Tree.

I couldn't say before I came here that I've ever gone to one, as well as I didn't know that absolutely everything in the store is actually a dollar! But one day, when my dorm room was running ridiculously low on food and drinks, my roommate opened my eyes to to the awesomeness that is The Dollar Tree.

I was originally planning on spending around $50 at City Market to restock our food shelves which I was not happy about. My roommate explained to me that everything is a dollar and I knew I had to check it out. Now I'll admit, the food selections are brands that I've never heard of before, but hat doesn't mean they're still not quality food for only a dollar. After my roommate spent only $9 for crackers, chips, pretzels, animal crackers, Teddy Grams type cookies, Arizona Tea, and salsa, I picked up two things of kool-aid type juice for only $2. It was great.

Now that that adventure is over and our food supply is running low again, it's time to make another trip to The Dollar Tree.


SueSpock said...

Frugal is good!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jake,
This is your Great Aunt Lorraine. Your Grandma Harty's sister.
It was fun reading your Blog. Is that what you call it?
I love the Dollar Tree. There is one right here in Robbinsdale . What I like best is the birthday cards for 50 cents. Keep that in mine when you need one.
Love , Geat Aunt Lorraine