Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Final Semester Classes.

This is my last semester here at the Colorado Mountain College Alpine Campus. It feels like I've been here for a few months when it's actually been two years. It's crazy how time flies in a place like this, but since this is just the start of the semester, I thought I'd write about what classes I'm taking this last semester to give you a final look at some of the things offered here at CMC.

Avalanche Safety:
Considering I wrote two blogs about this class, I'm not going to say anything here except to check out those blogs because this class was probably my favorite class that I've taken here.

Public Speaking:
This class is pretty self explanatory. There are a couple teachers who teach it here but I'm taking it with Susan Herman. So far she's been really cool and the work load doesn't seem too tough with the 5 shorter speeches we are going to give. Right now we are working on introductory speeches about ourselves and our heritage, so it's a fairly easy one to start out with.

Integrated Portfolio and Capstone:
This is a class most people wait to take until their last semester because in it you meet with Mike Martin three times throughout the semester to build your resume and cover letter for when you leave CMC, as well as you are required to get 90 hours of work experience. Going to the SIA tradeshow definitely helps to get those hours, plus Tim or Mike have a lot of connections around town to help you get the rest. This semester I will be interning at Surefoot where Tim used to work to get the hours I need. In order to work here you need to take at least Boot Fitting 1 because the stores main purpose is building really nice custom insoles for customers.

Piano I:
I am very excited for this class. Unfortunately, not enough people signed up for Piano I, so the teacher, Marie Carmichael, had to combine the Piano I and Piano II classes, and I ended up being the only one to stay in Piano II. Needless to say, I'm pretty behind the others, but thanks to a private lesson with Marie, I'm already catching up pretty well, so I'm sure it'll be a great semester of piano.

Legal Environment of Business:
This class is probably going to be the hardest for me this semester, mostly because I'm not very interested in law at all, but also because there are quizzes due before each class and a number fo tests, although they are online so that helps. The class is again, pretty self-explanatory from the title. So far we have learned about the different types of laws as well as a bit about the Judiciary and court systems in the U.S., so soon we will be tying everything into business and how they specifically relate.

So that is what my semester is looking like this last time around. I'm definitely glad I took more credits my first few semester because now the only reason I'm taking 12 credits is because it is the minimum to stay in the dorms and get the student discount on my season pass. I will for sure be getting my fill of riding too since besides Piano from 8:30-10am on Wednesdays, I don't have class before 4:30pm all week, so needless to say I'm very happy about that. Peace.


Frank said...

O Snap! They actually have a Piano class at CMC?! Aw I can't wait. I'm a singer who have been tryin' to learn Piano for the longest. How good are you?

Anonymous said...

Thats awesome man, I'm not very good yet though, I just started learning but she's a really good teacher so I'm catching on.

Anonymous said...

Have really enjoyed all your recent blogs plus the videos - keep them coming. What fantastic experiences you are having!
Looking forward to your piano experience - you can practice on your Great Grandma O's piano!
Avec amour - votre Grandmere