Thursday, February 4, 2010

Just Another Big Mac Monday

I'm very sorry about the lack of Big Mac Mondays, but with SIA I didn't have time to put together an edit. So here is some older footage of the week before SIA that I threw together. Unfortunately it does not feature the skiing of Kevin "Big Mac" McClelland, but I think it came out pretty good nonetheless.

Also, this edit is dedicated to our good friend Eli, who had a very unfortunate encounter with a tree and broke his femur. Hopefully he we will be able to ride a little bit very late season, but only time will tell, so this is for you Eli. Peace.

1 comment:

Iriedulcimer said...

Jake, sorry I didn't get to meet you when I was out there helping Gimpy, I mean Eli. I've been reading your blog even before Eli started there & I really like it. Thanks for dedicating this to one cool dude. Maybe I'll meet you in April when I come back & keep up the good work. Peace- Eli's Mum - Gloria