Monday, October 13, 2008

The First Shred Mish.

This morning I woke up at 6:30am excited and ready to go. How you might ask? Today, two of my friends and I went snowboarding on the top of Buffalo Pass here in Steamboat Springs.

Last night, my friends Tyler and Corey came to my room, eyes wide with an idea. "Want to go snowboarding tomorrow?", they asked. Almost instantly I replied, "Yes! Where!?" "Buff Pass has snow and it's supposed to snow more tonight." After they had left and I was falling asleep, getting ready to wake up at 6:30am the next morning, I realized just how crazy it is for me to be snowboarding on October 13th. I've lived in Minnesota my whole life, and even though it's ridiculously cold there, we don't usually get snow until close to Christmas. So the idea of snowboarding before Haloween is just crazy and awesome to me.

Six thirty rolls around. We meet up in the dorms, all geared up, and head out to Corey's car. On the drive up there, we could see snow on top of Mt. Werner, the mountain Steamboat Resort is on, and there was a good amount of snow. This naturally made us that much more excited. We kept climibing up the mountain without any sign of snow around us. Just as we started to worry if there was going to be any snow for us, around 7000 ft. up, we saw some on the ground. As we kept climbing, it only got better. Soon the trees began to have snow on them and the ground cover got thicker. We soon realized that other people had had the same idea as us. While driving up, we saw a pipe rail set up on the side of the rode that people must have hit the day before. However, we decided to keep driving and at around roughly 10,000 ft. up, we found a spot and prepared to ride.

The actual snow cover on the ground was only a few inches, but it was enough for us. We found a line near some trees and made the first run of the season. Because of the light snow cover, I ended up getting a couple good scratches down my 07/08 World Wide Weapon from some barely covered rocks, but just being out snowboarding again made me not even care. I'll just have to P-Tex it later.

Since we couldn't exactly hit any bigger hills, we decided to set up a mini jib line. We found a log about 6 feet long that we built a kicker into for a little tree grinding in which Tyler threw a NASTY tail press on. A little ways down from that we built another mini kicker just to get some air and throw some spins. A little further down from that we set up a kicker to a stump bonk to complete our mini park experience. I played role of park manager/crew and using shovels Corey had bought, set up the majority of our mini adventure. As small and unimpresive as this mini park may sound, it was awesome. We ended up sessioning this set up for 3 hours before deciding to head back down.

The ride back down was actually pretty scary, considering Corey's gas needle was below the red line and for about 6 miles, his digital gas mileage meter was at 0. Thinking the car was going to shut off and the brakes weren't going to work made for and interesting and sketchy ride down the mountain. Fortunetly, thanks to Corey's driving in nuetral most of the way down, we were able to make it to a gas station before it died, and we're all alive to tell about it.

Once we made it to the bottom, we knew we needed a food run. After stopping at McDonald's and Wendy's, where at I got a delicious Jr. Bacon Cheesburger and Crispy Chicken Sandwich, we made a trip to Sports Authority to check out some new gear. We got a couple of weird looks from employees as we rolled in the store with full snowboard gear, but if they knew how awesome our session was, they'd understand. We made a stop at The Click as well, then headed back to the dorms. We got a couple looks there too, but mostly of excited interested and wonder at where we just were. On guy even said, "It's so cool to see kids all decked out in there gear right now."

The night before we went snowboarding, we had a few nay-sayers trying to tell us that there wasn't going to be any snow and it wouldn't be worth it. They were very wrong. Tyler sent a picture of our log set up to our friend Steve and, mixed with our testimony as to how fun it was, we convinced those nay-sayers to go up tonight to try out our mini set-up. They went up before us and when we got there, we found they had a whole new set up. They had moved the corogated pipe to a new spot and bulit a kicker into it as well as a quarter pipe on the side. However, before they moved it, they got a couple pictures of Steve hitting the orignal set up.

These shred sessions are probably the most fun I've ever had on October 13th, and we all can't wait until snows some more so we can head back up there. I must admit; however, class today was pretty rough after waking up at 6:30 but I made it through alright and am ready to go again asap. Peace.

1 comment:

SueSpock said...

Great name for your blog. Some people will get the "pun", some will have to wonder.

Hope you've let Scotty K know of your early boarding...he rubbed it in last year!

Take care - SueSpock