Sunday, August 30, 2009

Weekend Adventure.

The weekend started out with some fun times at Corey's house after class on Thursday. The following morning, I received a call from my friend Steve who's going to the Summit CMC campus, telling me to round up some people and head to Breck to celebrate our friend Josh's birthday. On top of that, Corey and I needed to go to Fort Collins to pick up Blink-182 tickets that we had purchased off Since Corey's girlfriend goes to school in Fort Collins, we decided to turn this weekend into a crazy adventure around CO.

We left Friday afternoon for Breck, and after a crazy car ride of rockin out and a pit stop at Burger King, we arrived around 7 at Steve and Josh's condo. Not being familiar with Breck we definitely took a few wrong turns, but eventually made it. Their condo is a ways up a mountain and was really nice, with two stories, and awesome but tight spiral staircase, and a great veiw from their deck. Another awesome part was that Steve didn't even tell Josh we were coming, so it was sick just showing up and surprising him on his birthday.

After a fun night of reminiscing and getting to see some more friends who used to go to the Alpine Campus but now go to Summit, we headed out to Fort Collins bright and early.

I ended up sleeping a lot of the way to Fort Collins, but we made a pit stop in Golden Springs to see Corey's step mom and so we could take a shower. From there we headed through Denver and made a stop at Whole Foods because we were both feeling some sushi, and Corey new they delicious and inexpensive sushi. So once we were full, we finished out the drive to Fort Collins where we met up with the lady who had the Blink 182 tickets at a Carl's Jr.

From there, we had a lot of free time. Corey's girlfriend was visiting her parents so we spent the day roaming the streets of downtown Fort Collins like a couple of traveling gypsies. We ended up getting some food at a place I've never heard of but now I love it; Spicy Pickle. They had really good paninis and a deal where you could get a half sandwich, chips or salad, and a drink for $5.95, so if get the opportunity again, I'm for sure going back. We then made some stops at a gas station and Wal-Mart, hit up Jimmy Johns for dinner, and then spent the night at Corey's girlfriends.

Now the ride home was an adventure in itself. We started out going the wrong way on I-25 toward Denver before we figured out that we didn't even need to go on I-25 but needed to find 14. In order to do that however, we had to get on 14, then it became 287, then it split back to 14 which is where things went bad. We ended up not seeing the sign for the split back to 14, but we realized that if we stayed on 287, we could end up back to 14 in a little while, so we decided to try it. 287 ended up not being to bad, but we had to take a dirt road off of 287 which was super sketchy. The road took us through the woods, past some creepy houses, and eventually down a mountain. Luckily there were some really cool views, but we were both paying too much attention to the steep windy road to notice all that much. Thankfully we made it back to 14 in one piece, and we're never missing 14 again.

So there you have it. I am now back in the Boat trying to focus on homework after an epic adventure all over CO. Peace.

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