Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Class is in Session.

So even though today was the second Monday of classes, I thought I'd share with everyone how the first week was, and what some of my classes are like.

The first Monday of classes started out with Accelerated Boot Fitting. Like the Accelerated Tuning class I took last semester, Accelerated Boot Fitting means it combines Boot Fitting I and II into one class, so the workload will be a bit more, but it's still manageable. The class consisted of introductions (just like every other first day of classes) and then the teacher, Tim Widmer, Assistant Professor of Ski and Snowboard Business, went throught the syllabus, what we were going to learn in the class, and finished with some history of ski boots and some of the machines we would be using throughout the course to alter boots and shape insoles.

My Monday finished with the class I'm probably most excited for which is Entrepreneurial Operations, taught by Randy Rudasics. The course is going to be a lot of work, consisting of a ton of reading, multiple quizzes and tests, as well as presentations, but because of my future school and career plans, I think it will be a very important and worthwhile class. The final for the course will be a legitimate business plan that each student develops on their own, so naturally mine will be for the snowboard company I want to start.

Tuesday rolled around and I was forced to roll out of bed for the earliest class I have had yet here at Colorado Mountain College which is Business Statistics at 10:30am. To be perfectly honest, I think this class will be pretty dry, but still leave me with some important knowledge for operating a business, such as how to gather and use statistics of market groups and client bases and things like that.

After that was Accounting Principles I. Now I'm not going to lie to you, this class is not going to be fun. Accounting is not exactly a subject I am to highly interested in, nor do I want to have a write a million income statements and balance sheets, but I have to admit that knowing how to do so will be very valuable to run a business, so I guess I'll be sticking it out. Also Pat Turner, the teacher of Accounting Principles I, definitely knows her stuff and has videos posted on Blackboard to help you with the homework assignments, so it is a very do-able class.

Now Wednesday is probably the best day of the week for me... no classes at all.

Thurday came around with another day of Business Statistics and Accounting Principles I, but ended with a 6-9 Ski Business class, Retail and Sales. This class should be pretty fun, seeing as it is taught by Tim again, but also because in it we'll get to learn a bunch of selling techniques and even but on a snowboard sale of a bunch of old snowboards made by previous Product Design classes.

So there you have it, a little look into what my life this semester will be like, so hopefully things will go pretty smoothly. Peace.

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