Monday, November 30, 2009

Mt. Werner, Back in Action.

While I was away on my Park City adventure, Steamboat opened to the good people, local and visitors, of Routt County. Today was my first day riding there and I have to admit, I definitely missed it.

I woke up nice and early around 7:40am to get ready before Tyler got to the dorms at 8. We went down to the cafeteria to get some quick breakfast where we ran into Steve who needed a ride, so we hooked him up with one. On the ride there, Tyler and I traded memories of riding at Steamboat last year, which definitely got me more excited to ride.

When we got there; however, I realized I had forgotten my boots. Lucky for me, Bacon had forgotten his boots since he was there for ski race training, so when he made it back to the room to grab his, he saw mine and snagged them for me. So after meeting up with him and getting all set to go ride, I realized I had forgotten my pass. I'm sure you can clearly tell this was the first time I had ridden at Steamboat in awhile.

Lucky for me, season pass holders get one free day pass for forgotten passes, but unluckily for me, I had to use it up on my very first day there. But after all that shenanigans, I finally made my way to the pass of the mountain where I met up with Tyler and Corey who had taken a lap or two through the park already. As we rode up the lift, I was getting more and more stoked to ride. One, because the park was empty, but two because the park looked awesome. Last year Steamboat really didn't have a very good park, but this year they hired a new park manager who had built features for the Olympics and other big events, so I have very high hopes for the parks to come.

I unfortunately did not grab a camera, so I'll do my best to paint a picture for you. Down the left side of the park, there was a pretty long flat box, followed by a rainbow box, then a battleship box, then about a 15 ft. jump, and an up rail. Down the right side of the park was the smaller features. It started with a tiny rainbow box, then a short flat box followed by a slightly longer flat box, then a mellow C box, then an urban style down rail, and then a dance floor box. Then at the very end of the park in the middle was a sideways mailbox rail set up like a skate spine with two logs sticking straight up on either side for bonking. Hopefully that gives you an idea of the fun to be had in the park.

Our day was spent taking lap after lap of the park, trying to get some tricks back from last year. After a few solid hours, we peaced out, grabbed some Taco Bell, then Tyler dropped me back off at the dorms so I could make my class at 1pm. Needless to say, it was an awesome day of riding and I'm super happy to riding at Mt. Werner once again. I'm sure there will be many blogs about riding The Boat in the future, so be sure to keep checking back. Peace.

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