Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Snow is Back.

I realize I just wrote a blog about how great it has been riding slushy spring conditions, but Steamboat decided to pull a fast one a bring in two big snow storms within a week.

The first one was Tuesday night and all day Wednesday, leaving for epic powder riding on Thursday. Admitedly, I was ok with the season winding down and getting really excited for summer, but Steamboat wasn't done yet. I really hadn't ridden that much powder this season but Thursday was awesome. I really couldn't even tell you where we were that whole day since I almost never leave the park, but cruising through the trees and heading all the way to the peak to take some turns was awesome. I got to see some of the best views of the season and ride some new terrain that I had never experienced.

If that wasn't enough, mother nature decided to do it again as I type. Right now it is puking snow on the town and especially up on the mountain, making for some great riding for tomorrow.

So now I'm going to bed so I can wake up nice and early (for me anyway) and ride as much as possible before class. Peace.

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