Monday, September 14, 2009

ASR San Diego: The Trip Home/Catching Up

San Diego was definitely a worth while trip, and I had a great time working for Rusty and would highly recommend that anyone interested go next year if they get the opportunity. My final day was made of a good chunk of travel time which I guess is just part of what it takes to do what you love.

I was finally able to sleep in for the first time this weekend on Sunday, so I definitely seized the opportunity and was out cold until 11am. However, once I woke up, I talked to Matt about possibly getting a ride to the airport, but once we realized I was pretty out of the way from SDSU to the airport, I began the scramble to figure out how to bus it, on top of finishing packing and checking out.

I ended up having to catch the bus around 11:45am, so I was mad rushed to check out, get cash from the ATM at the gas station across the street and then make the bus. Luckily I did, and after one bus switch that I thought I messed up, I finally made it to the airport with time to spare. However, when I got up to the counter, they told me I had to go to a completely different terminal since I had a layover in LA before Denver, but when I got the other terminal, they said they could get me on a non-stop flight so after I got my ticket, I had to shuttle it back to the first terminal I was at, but having a non-stop flight was definitely worth it.

The flight went fairly smooth, although we hit some crazy turbulence, but I was able to study somewhat for the accounting test I had to make up for on Monday. After the flight, we met Matt's parents who met us at the baggage claim and drove us to their house, after a delicious stop at Arby's, and then we began the trek back to the Boat. We were both admittedly very tired, but after a couple energy drinks and a few stops to stretch and keep the blood flowing, we rolled up to the dorms around 12:30am. My roommate was actually still out of town at the Monolith music festival in Denver this weekend so I had the room to myself for the night. After unpacking, I passed right out to try to get ready for jumping right back into school.

Unfortunately, Monday did not go to well. Boot Fitting was fine, but I ended up sleeping until noon since I was exhausted from the trip, and was unable to study more for my make-up accounting test. Luckily, I got the test back today and I did better than I thought, so I was pretty stoked. On top of that, I completely forgot about the quiz we had in my Entrepreneurial Operations class, so let's hope it turns out like my accounting test because I have a feeling I didn't do to hot.

So now it is a new day and I've definitely been getting back at the whole school thing. That's the only problem with going to tradeshows, it's can be pretty easy to get behind in school, but if you just keep on top of things, it's still very do-able. But anyway, there you have it, the conclusion to an intense but crazy fun weekend with Rusty Surfboards and mad travels. I now can focus a ton on school, and look forward to the SIA tradeshow in Denver. Peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jacob,
Sounds like you are learning your way around the travel world - we've been to the LA airport - it's HUGE. Also sounds like quite a weekend - fun and learning.
Good luck with your studies.