Monday, April 20, 2009

Now the Season is Over.

After a fun and eventful end to the Steamboat snow season, I thought the riding was done for the year and I could hang up my snowboard for the summer. But I was pleasently mistaken.

Today turned out to be a fairly spontanious trip to Copper Mountain with friends Peter, Jeff, and Nate. Last night, Nate and I had the idea to go to Copper, and when we asked Jeff and Peter about it, it became official. Peter said he would drive there bright and early at 8am the next morning so we all passed out early to get up for one last day of riding.

The day started with a stop at Kum N' Go gas station for some fuel, both for us and the car. We picked up some sketchy gas station food and got back on the road. The drive wasn't too bad, taking about 2 hours, and when we got there, the mountain was already full of people, including many CMC students, eager to get one last day of riding.

I have to give a shout out here to the new love of my life, the lifty girl who never once scanned my pass and eventually traded me hugs for lift access. I probably should have gotten her name, but since we lapped the park all day, I managed to go the whole day without getting scanned, which I thought was pretty cool.

The lift lines ended up being the longest part of the day, with crowds of people at Copper, lines took close to 10 minutes every lap, so thankfully Copper has a really long park line where we could get a bunch of hits in.

So basically we spent the entire sunny day riding the terrain parks Copper has to offer. Nate fortunetaly brought his camera so don't worry, there will most definitely be pictures coming soon when Nate gets them on his computer.

However, very unfortunately, the day did not end so well. Earlier in the day Peter had hit his knee on a tree, so it had been bugging him most of the day. On top of that, on the last hit of the entire terrain park, and possibly the last hit of the day/season, which was an up log rail, Peter decided to throw a switch 50-50 up it to frontside 360 out. Maybe it was the pressure from the camera on the last hit or his beat up knee, but this trick did not go so well.

Peter got on the log fine, but when he began to wind up for the 360, he began to turn slightly. This slight turn ended up causing him to catch his front edge. He ended up falling forward off the end of the log, which remember was facing up, and down the steep landing, right on his shoulder. When we caught up to him at the bottom where he stopped, he said his collarbone was definitely broken.

We headed down to the ski patrol station where they slinged him up and gave him a ride to the hospital. We took the bus back to his car to go pick him up when he was done. After waiting a bit in the medical center, they let him go with a new sling, some vicatin, and thankfully no surgery. This was the second time he broke that same collarbone, but luckily it was more a crack, making almost pyramid shaped under his skin, as opposed to a complete split.

After that endevour, we actually headed back to Copper's main plaza at the base of the mountain to watch a couple songs from DJ SDS9 (or something like that). So after a couple songs, we headed out, grabbed some Subway for the way back, and started the drive with Jeff kindly driving for Peter.

An awesome thing for me about today was that I got to see my friend Chelsy aka Lemon, who had gone back to her hometown Durango, so that was definitely an added bonus of going to Copper for one last day of riding.

I ended up sleeping for most of the ride home, but am now back in the Boat and unfortunately had to get a presentation together for Product Design. But like I said, pictures are coming soon, so check back tomorrow for some visuals of this final shred mish. Peace.

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