Monday, October 5, 2009

Skate Season is Over.

The snow is back.

First off sorry to any loyal followers for the lack of blogs but things have been a bit slower since everything has kind of fallen into a solid routine, but luckily that routine has been completely ruined (in a good way) by the start of the snow season.

Currently it is dumping snow, which made the walk back from class a little rough, but this isn't actually the first time this season. The night and early morning of October 1st was when the first good dump hit Steamboat. I heard some students in my Retail and Sales class talking about how they had ridden at Buff Pass earlier that day, so I immediately texted my friend Tyler telling him we were going to Buff the next day... and we did.

It turned out to be a beautiful day in the Boat, so we actually started the boarding festivities off with a solid mini-ramp session at the school, before embarking on the trek up Buff to where the best snow had fallen. After digging all my snowboard stuff out of storage since I had no idea we'd be riding this early in the season, we headed to Tyler's condo, he did the same, and we tore off down the road like our lives depended on it.

The ride up Buff Pass went very smoothly, and actually made us doubt the snow a little bit, since a good chunk of the ride up there was just dirt and mud. Luckily Tyler's Subaru handled everything like a champ, and once we were nearing the second gate, we noticed the ground getting whiter and whiter. We made a few stops on the way to check out spots with decent amounts of snow where we could possibly have ridden, but we made the right choice of continuing on higher and higher until we reached the top where we were greeted by a field of snow, and a wonderful corregated tube we could use as a rail.

This picture is of Tyler and the tube when we first got to the spot.

After basking in the glory of the snow and slapping a few high fives, we got to work setting up jib line for us to session. The corregated tube proved to be quite heavy and difficult to move, so we decided to leave it mid run and just build a long run-in, which we eventually put a mini kicker in to make it that much more fun.

This picture is of that kicker and unfortunately I thought I took a picture of the tube all set up but my phone showed me otherwise.

A couple changes were made throughout the session, such as the addition of a roller to pump for extra speed, and a slight turning of the tube when I almost landed flat on my back on rock just off the end, otherwise it's safe to say it was the most fun I've ever had on October 3rd.

We stayed up there for few hours, both of us getting a new trick, when we realized the sun was setting fast and it was time call it quits. The ride down went by almost as quickly as the ride up since we were both still riding our excitement of getting to snowboard on Oct. 3rd. That night we hung out with some friends and told them all about just how awesome it was, and they immediately made plans to go up the next day.

So now I unfortunately have class most of the day today and tomorrow, so I'm just going to have to suck it up, and wait to until Wednesday to ride again. Peace.


Anonymous said...

skate season is not over man!!!

Anonymous said...

haha yea i definitely thought more snow was gonna stick in town when i wrote this! after today i'd say skate season is far from over!

Anonymous said...

Yay! for snowboarding on Oct 2nd. You are a very lucky man Mr. Malenick to have a friend as great as this Tyler fellow. He sounds like a really cool guy. I just hope you realize and appreciate the amazing town you live in and obviously the amazing friend you have in Tyler. :)