Thursday, April 2, 2009

New Program for Next Year.

This is a blog for all those prospective students still trying to decide on whether or not to out to Colorado Mountain College. In the coming year (not including the summer semester) there will be a new program offered here at the Alpine Campus called Entrepreneurship. This was very exciting news for me considering I really want to start my own business one day, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to tell you what I've learned about it.

Fred Hampel and Randy Rudasics are the head professors for this program, and luckily I have Fred as my Economics teacher so I was able to talk to him about the program.

The Entrepreneurship Program is a 60 credit hour program, however there are 10-13 credit certificate programs you can take for Entrepreneurship, Small Business Finance, and E-Business/E-Commerce, but they are not as in depth.

The following is from an e-mail Fred sent me about the program and what classes will be offered when, since this is the programs' first year.

"BUS-102 Entrepreneurial Operations (the feasibility project course) will be offered at the Alpine Campus each fall semester and MAN-216 Small Business Management (the complete business plan course) will be offered at Alpine each spring semester. There is no course prerequisite for either course. However, ideally a student will have taken some business courses before taking them. Of course, since you are Ski Business, that’s not a big issue for you.

MAN-225 Managerial Finance and MAR-216 Principles of Marketing are two really good courses because the course projects will be geared towards creating specific pieces of the student’s business plan, which come together in MAN-226 Small Business Management. Thus, a student is more likely to create a more sophisticated and complete business plan if the student has used the finance and marketing courses to acquire advanced skills and knowledge and develop his or her entrepreneurial idea.

At present, the plan is to offer MAN-225 Managerial Finance and MAR-216 Principles of Marketing one time during the 2009/2010 school year in a distance format. We have not decided which semester they will be offered. We will know within a couple of weeks."

As you can see, Entrepreneurial Operations is the only Entreneurship Program class being offered in this coming fall semester, but as they work out the details of when to offer the classes, this program will most likely become a very key program in Colorado Mountain Colleges curriculum.

Also, for those of you who are still very interested in the Ski and Snowboard Business Program, you will be happy to learn that many of the classes overlap, making double majoring a fairly good option if both programs interest you.

Hopefully this blog showed you even more of what Colorado Mountain College has to offer, and that you will consider coming out to Alpine Campus. Peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really excited and happy for you re this new program. THANKS for the birthday greeting

The Pool attendant at NB